Kanye West Really Paid Cousin Quarter Mil for Sex Tape

Kanye West, via Kanyetothe.com

Remember that line Kanye West spits on “Real Friends” from The Life of Pablo album where he says: “I had a cousin that stole my laptop that I was fucking bitches on/ Paid that nigga 250,000 just to get it from him”? Well, as it turns out, it was all true.

In an interview with Daily Mail, Ye’s cousin, Lawrence Franklin (not the one who’s $250,000 richer), says that the laptop in question has on it a video of Yeezy having sex with an unknown, light-skinned African-American woman. The Chicago rapper gave the laptop in question away to a family member as a gift in 2012. It was then lent to another family member and eventually got into the hands of the cousin who made him cough up the dough.

“If a member of your family had taken you for a quarter of a million dollars – so they can complete their own ambitions – who can you trust within your circle?”

Franklin says, “This was also around the time when his mother has just died and he takes a lot of responsibility for that. When you go from being a regular person to being a huge star – and having all of these mounting issues and being completely void of the normalcy that you once had – it’s tough. Where do you go? Who do you trust at the end of the day?”

Franklin also said that he didn’t think that Kanye’s mother, Donda West, would approve of his marriage to Kim Kardashian.

“For the most part I don’t look at the Kardashians as real people,” Franklin says. “Kanye comes from a very family-orientated environment with roots and African American family lifestyle – you know family reunions with food and things like that. The Kardashians are the complete opposite of what’s familiar in our community.”