Killer Mike Discusses Donald Trump’s Presidential Win on ‘The Real’ [Watch Now]

Killer Mike

Killer Mike stopped by The Real this morning and voiced his opinion on Donald Trump winning the Presedential bid. Killer Mike told the panel,

“I didn’t think it would be this close but I knew people were mad. And i knew people were mad enough to do things that I never would have expected tem to do so I saw people who looked like me and you voting for Trump and that scared me.” 

Killer Mike also felt that both parties have negelected their supporters and continues to sell them dreams of false help and added,

“I think that people who look like all the people on this panel…black, brown, and all types of hues in between…I think that we have been used by a party to the liberal side that once enacted, and once in office, has not enacted policy that was reflective of stuff that would bring our communities up, so I think poor people got angry, and I think that there just happen to be, by this country, more poor angry white people.”


See what Killer Kill had to say below:


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