Amanda Seales Gives Caitlyn Jenner a Lesson in White Privilege 101 [Watch]

Amanda Seales Gives Caitlyn Jenner a Lesson in White Privilege 101 [Watch]

It seems more often than not, white privilege can hinder a conversation from progressing due to white people’s  inability to accept that being Caucasian has enabled them to have certain advantages that people of color are not privileged to.

White privilege can be subtle, such as the fact that people are more likely to get a call back for an interview simply because your name is Ashley instead of Shaniqua; to more obvious white privilege like being able to have a positive relationship with police in America.

One person who was very outspoken about that fact is Insecure actress and comedian Amanda Seales. During a sit-down dinner for a documentary on Monday (Jun 12), Seales schooled Caitlyn Jenner and Katy Perry, among others the vast difference between being white and black in America.

“You and I have had very different experiences with this country,” Seales said. “So what was great for you is not the same for me and as a Black woman, this country has not been as good to me as it has been to you sis.”

Seales then went on to explain the divisiveness between black men and women caused by families receiving welfare which prohibited the father to be anywhere in the home in order for black families to receive financial help.

“You didn’t have to grow up where if you were poor to receive help the government made black fathers leave the house so the kids could eat; which has still caused divisiveness between black men and women today.”

Seales did not let up on her stance, which proved that even in 2017 there are still “color blind” people who need to be educated on what the American experience is for people of color. It is a known fact that people of color have different experiences living in America than White people due to White Privilege. Even during the attempt to explain this simple yet controversial concept to Jenner, Seales was met with disapproval from the white, transwoman. Proving her point about why and how white privilege enables whites to dismiss themselves from conversations that make them uncomfortable.

Seales took to her Instagram with a clip from the conversation saying:

“I don’t take being in these conversations lightly. As a black woman, they will far too often consider your intellect a threat and your passion a problem. I hope I inspired others last night to live in your truth no matter who is at the table. Let’s grow not just a discourse of love but a DISCOURSE OF COURAGE. Because that’s what it takes to face and deliver these inconvenient truths.”

Although Seales might have been taken as being hostile instead of passionate, which she emphasized, she was fearless in educating the ex-gold medalists on her privilege. Hopefully next time, Jenner will be open minded to people of color indifferences to hers.

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