Reality Check: The Drama Continues on Real Housewives of Atlanta!

Reality Check: The Drama Continues on Real Housewives of Atlanta!

Hey Reality Junkies! I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get back on track after that week break with one of my favorite reality shows, Real Housewives of Atlanta. If you have been following along so far, you know this season has already been full of juice, but judging by this new clip, there is still a lot more to come!

Tonight at 7pm/8pm EST on BravoTV, the show moves right along as the ladies continue their wilderness trip by enjoying the fruits of nature, while still finding time to throw shade and dish the tea. During the last episode things started out ok, but as always, the drama gets started when Kandi gets questioned by Marlo of her sexuality.  Watch this clip to see what’s in store for tonight and the remainder of the season.

Be sure to follow us on @gripmagonline to join the conversation during tonight’s episode or for a re-cap on Instagram and Twitter!

R-Jay the Reality Junky