Rihanna and Azealia Banks Share Each Other’s Phone Numbers

Rihanna and Azealia Banks Share Each Other’s Phone Numbers

The online cattiness between Rihanna and Azealia Banks has gotten even deeper as the two battling vixens leaked each other’s phone numbers on social media.

Banks bombed first by posting Rihanna’s number on Instagram with a caption reading “Bombs away!” RiRi fired back by making her Twitter avatar a screenshot of a text message from Banks, exposing the seven digits to her 69 million followers.

The cat fight started after Ri criticized President Trump’s Muslim ban in a tweet, calling him an “immortal pig.”

Banks then grabbed her cape and came to the President’s rescue, singling out her arch nemesis in an Instagram pic with the post reading:

“As far as Rihanna (who isn’t a citizen, and can’t vote) and all the rest of the celebrities who are using their influence to stir the public. You lot really need to shut up and sit down,” she wrote. “Stop chastising the president. It’s stupid and pathetic to watch. All of these confused people confuse other confused people. Hoping the president fails is like getting on a plane and hoping the pilot crashes.”

The two went back and forth on Instagram yesterday (Jan. 29) until they both took these most-recent low blows.