Wiz Khalifa Gets Backlash from Memorial Day Tweet

Wiz Khalifa Gets Backlash from Memorial Day Tweet

It may seemed innocent enough to Wiz Khalifa for tweeting his plans to kick back and relax on Memorial Day. However, many people didn’t feel the same way after the Pittsburgh rapper tweeted his plans for today on late last night.

“When you get my age Memorial Day is about getting shit faced by the pool, eatin Bbq and not rememberin shit so…Yea,” he tweeted.

After a downpour of criticism, however, he followed the tweet with an attempt to explain himself: “Didn’t mean anything rude, that was just my way of saying sometime people rather focus on the good times than the bad.”

He was a day late and a dollar short, as Twitter users let him know exactly how they felt. See some of the Khalifa-attacking tweets.

No stranger to pissing off the public, Wiz angered several Colombians after he visited Medellin, Colombia, placed flowers on the grave of Pablo Escobar and posted it all to social media.